Ich werde meinen Vortrag "Tests schreiben wie Shakespeare" bei der AutomationSTAR halten.
Ich habe meinen Vortrag "Wie man Qualität (nicht) misst" beim REWE digital Meetup in Ilmenau gehalten.
Going to give my talk "How (Not) to Measure Quality" at Agile Testing Days 2022.
I gave my talk on "Writing Tests Like Shakespeare" as a webinar for the QA Group The recording is available on YouTube
João and me gave our talk "Fantastic Biases & Where to Find Them in Software Development" at EuroSTAR Huddle People Skills Edition Slides: https://prezi.com/view/lL151ndDvqRnfvAUm4ix/
Wow! Just received my first Speaker Award at German Testing Day! Thank you so much. It was a great conference!
My open source sceenplay implementation Shakespeare got mentioned in the TestGuild News Show #43
Published "Writing Tests Like Shakespeare" on the Agilitest blog
João and me gave our talk Fantastic Biases & Where to Find Them in Software at Agile Testing Days Slides: https://prezi.com/view/lL151ndDvqRnfvAUm4ix/
Published a blog post on Conditionals in a Declarative Pipeline Jenkinsfile